Press Releases

Thank You, Volunteers

The Towers at Tower Lane wants to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful volunteers who stepped up and gave of their time during the pandemic. They held socially - distanced groups, wrote letters, purchased crafts and puzzles, made friendly phone calls, grocery shopped, helped resi…

Jewish Federation Launches New Leadership Development Program

jHaven, the under-45 division of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, is launching a six-month leadership development program for emerging professionals in the community, set to begin this winter and running through late spring 2022.

The program is designed to help ensure the future …

Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign Is at It Again

by Howard Reiter & Jody Ellant, Annual Campaign Co-Chairs

There is an old joke, that there is nothing more reliable than the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. In fact, many borscht belt comedians have been heard telling variations of a quip about some Jewish people who are marooned on …

L'shana Tova!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and that this year brings good health and hap-piness to all of you. As I sit to write this column we are struggling with the increase in COVID cases and the concern about the Delta variant. We are witnessing a return to indoor masking and have …

National Hunger Action Month: High Holiday Food Drive Donation Guidelines

National Hunger Action Month is a time to raise awareness to hunger in our community and this year it occurs during the High Holidays!  Currently, more than 250 households depend on the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry for supplemental food each month, including emergency/crisis requests. …

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