
27 2016

Ethical Considerations of Healthcare Policy

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Medical Historical Library in the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library 333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 432-5448 Lori.Bruce@yale.edu

Contact Lori Bruce
(203) 432-5448

Are we morally obligated to provide healthcare to all Americans?
Are we ethically obligated to limit powers of pharmaceutical & insurance companies?
Is a “single payer system” our solution?
To enhance the conversation, protest art & historical political comics will be on display.

RSVP by April 23 to Lori.Bruce@yale.edu or (203) 432-5448
Continuing education credits available. 
Refreshments will be provided.

Sponsor: Yale's Community Bioethics Forum & Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics

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