
19 2023

Global Connections: Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

4:00PM - 5:00PM  

Halie Shost
New York, NY

Contact Halie Shost

Global Connections with Robert Siegel: Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

Robert Siegel (former Senior Host of NPR’s All Things Considered for 31 years) interviews:
Sherry Turkle (Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor, Social Studies of Science & Technology, M.I.T.)
Daniel Rockmore (Neukom Institute for Computational Science Professor, Dartmouth College)
Leor Perl, MD (Rabin Medical Center Innovation Center)

Wednesday, April 19th @ 4pm ET
FREE REGISTRATION: https://globalconnections.splashthat.com
WATCH LIVE: https://tinyurl.com/3k2mvh6r

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