
28 2023

Judaica Project: Rabbi Reena Judd's Jewish Boxes

2:00PM - 3:00PM  

Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven Zoom
New Haven, CT 06515


Contact Jacob Griffith-Rosenberger

Rabbi Reena Judd will speak about her Jewish Box project. This exciting initiative provides Quinnipiac students with Judaica essentials, so they may express their Jewish identity and explore Jewish ritual practice on their own terms. Rabbi Judd has been the campus rabbi and director of the Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life at Quinnipiac University since 2005. She is an avid Judaica thrifter and collector whose home is filled with vibrant Jewish art. Please join us!

The Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven (JHSGNH) and the Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life at Quinnipiac University are thrilled to present the Judaica Project! Please join us for a series of monthly Zoom programs on Judaica, Jewish art, and what these mean to you. Each program will be a dialogue, including time for attendees to share their own items and stories. Presentations will feature items held by JHSGNH, from the collection of Quinnipiac Rabbi Reena Judd, and other speakers. We will also host guest speakers on Judaica creation and exchange, including Jewish artists and crafters, those involved with Judaica on social media, and resellers of vintage Judaica. To complement these monthly programs, JHSGNH staff will create small exhibits of Judaica from our collection, as holdings and conditions allow. JHSGNH will also feature Judaica from our collection, speakers, and interested attendees on our social media. If you are a local Jewish artist, crafter, or Judaica collector, who would like to present in this program series or be featured on social media, please contact us at info@jewishhistorynh.org! This series is made possible by a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven.

Sponsor: JHSGNH; Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life at Quinnipiac University; Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven

Please note that all events offered by the Jewish Federation, Foundation, and JCC of Greater New Haven may include photography. Photos taken at events may be used in our social media, websites, and in print materials to support the objectives of our organizations and to promote future events.  We respect our patrons' privacy. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know at the event registration and welcome desk.


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