
16 2023

New Haven "Intro to Judaism" 2.0, with Rabbi Josh Pernick

7:00PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Eelai Elijah
(787) 433-0533

In the year 70 CE, Judaism appeared to be on the verge of collapse. Jerusalem was under siege; surrounded by Roman troops on the outside and decimated by civil war on the inside. Within a few months, the Second Temple, and the practice of Judaism it represented, would be destroyed. All appeared lost for the Jewish people. And yet, Judaism did not die; it transformed. In this abbreviated series, we will be getting to know the story of Yavneh and her sages, the ultimate story of Jewish innovation. Through exploring the leadership of the sages who took charge of the Jewish future in this era, we will glean lessons on the interplay between tradition and change, which have ramifications for our Jewish community today.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, New Haven Board of Rabbis and Cantors

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