
22 2023

What's Happening in the Art Scene

1:15PM - 2:15PM  


Contact Susan Skalka

$ Cost $ 60.00

The class will include guided, virtual tours of current art shows. There is something for all levels of familiarity with art. The instructor’s stated goal is to have fun, while also providing an understanding of what’s out there for collecting or admiring. Art most often represents culture. Learning how to read the visual clues is important to understanding what one is looking at.

Registration: $60 Members / $70 Community



Please note that all events offered by the Jewish Federation, Foundation, and JCC of Greater New Haven may include photography. Photos taken at events may be used in our social media, websites, and in print materials to support the objectives of our organizations and to promote future events.  We respect our patrons' privacy. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know at the event registration and welcome desk.


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