
11 2024

"Why I Won't Hide My Judaism"

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Rachel Steigelder 205 Old Grassy Hill Road
Orange, CT 06477
2037992341 rachel.s@orshalomct.org

Contact Rachel Steigelder
link to register r at 203.799.2341 or visit our website orshalomct.org

Margie Miller
Past International President
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

Her Topic:
In a time when increasing numbers of American Jews are tucking in their Star of David pendants and removing their Hanukkah Menorahs from the window, Margie Miller argues that now, perhaps more than ever, our Judaism needs to be visible. Come and discuss this timely topic with a truly inspiring teacher of Yiddishkeit.

must register at 203.799.2341 or visit our website orshalomct.org

Sponsor: Congregation Or Shalom Landwirth Memorial Lecture

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