Jewish Federation Mourns the Loss of Life

after anti-Semitic attack on Kosher Supermarket in Jersey City

This past week was difficult for the Jewish community. We saw another brazen anti-Semitic attack which resulted in the killing of four people at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City. Three innocents -  Mindy Ferencz, Moshe Deutsch, and Douglas Rodríguez and the brave Det. Joseph Seals. The Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey has established a dedicated donation web page.100% of collections will go to support the victims' families. 

The Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven continues to monitor these events closely and collaborate with local and national law enforcement agencies. We were assured that there is no immediate danger in our community. The Jewish Federation has also worked closely with our partners at Secure Community Network on preventative measures and security training. Please click here to learn more about our Security efforts.

In addition to this horrible attack, we also recall the seventh anniversary of the brutal Sandy Hook massacre. We must remain strong and vigilant, and together combat the evil forces among us. However, we must not let fear stop us from pursuing what is beautiful in life and our community.

We are about to celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah which will bring light into our darkest days. By participating fully in the joy of Hanukkah and connecting with community members from across are beautiful and diverse greater New Haven, we will overcome. Please click here to see upcoming Hanukkah events in the community.
Dr. Jeffrey Hoos, President
Judith Alperin, Chief Executive Officer

The Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven is a community-building organization that cares for those in need in our community and promotes the continuity, security, and unity of the Jewish community here, in Israel, and around the world.


    Contact Eliraz Shifman-Berman, Jewish Community Relations Council Director
    (203) 387-2424 x308 |

    JCRC Co-Chairs: Betty & Arthur Levy