
6 2020

8 PM "People Forget, New Haven Remembers" on CPTV Spirit

8:00PM - 8:30PM  

Watch on CPTV Spirit (check your local listings)

World War II ended in 1945, but memorials toHolocaust victims didn't exist in U.S. communities until three decades later. Among the first to be established on public land was the New Haven Holocaust Memorial, planned and built by the city and its residents. Doris Zelinsky, who helped spearhead the project in 1976, was a staff member of then-New Have Mayor Frank Logue. New Haven city officials, including Logue, the New Haven Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees, Holocaust survivors and their neighbors, and many Jewish and non-Jewish residents worked together to commemorate the lives of Holocaust victimes in 1977, when the ribbon-cutting ceremony took place in Edgewood Park on Whalley Avenue. The documentary chronicles the evolution and aftermath of the New Haven Holocaust Memorial. It also showcases the oral histories of four Holocaust survivors who resettled in New Haven after the war and who worked to make the memorial a reality: Dr. Ralph Friedman, Helene Rosenberg, Shifra Zamkov and Hannah Cooperstock.

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