
28 2023

Addressing the Troubling Rise of Antisemitic Incidents in our Schools

5:00PM - 6:30PM  

Southern Connecticut State University 385 Fitch Street
Engleman Hall Room A120
New Haven, CT 06515

Contact Dr. David Pettigrew

Arrival and Refreshments: 4:45 pm to 5:00pm
Program: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Location: SCSU Engleman Hall A120

Registration Required: Email

Presented by: Stacey G. Sobel, Regional Director of the Connecticut Anti-Defamation League. 

The presentation will be followed by a roundtable discussion on our efforts as educators to raise awareness about the Holocaust and Genocide as part of the Connecticut Holocaust and Genocide Education and Awareness Act (Public Act 18-24 of 2018).

Co-sponsored by:

The Southern Connecticut State University Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning; SCSU College of Education; SCSU College of Arts and Sciences; SCSU Judaic Studies Program; SCSU Hillel; Connecticut Voices of Hope/HERO Center; the Connecticut State Department of Education; and the Holocaust and Genocide Education Advisory Committee

For inquiries, contact Dr. David Pettigrew,

Please note that all events offered by the Jewish Federation, Foundation, and JCC of Greater New Haven may include photography. Photos taken at events may be used in our social media, websites, and in print materials to support the objectives of our organizations and to promote future events.  We respect our patrons' privacy. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know at the event registration and welcome desk.


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