
1 2023

Beckerman Cultural Arts authors C & J Weiss: Fight­ing Back

7:30PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Susan Skalka
203-387-2424. x255

Fight­ing Back is about Stan Andrews, an assim­i­lat­ed Amer­i­can Jew and WW II vet­er­an who,  in 1948, became one of the first fight­er pilots in the Israeli Air Force. The book fol­lows Stan’s short but daz­zling life, includ­ing his tran­si­tion from a bril­liant stu­dent and tal­ent­ed artist into a dar­ing bomber pilot in the Pacif­ic dur­ing WWII, his post-war stud­ies and romance in Los Ange­les, and then his dra­mat­ic and unex­pect­ed deci­sion to fight for a Jew­ish state. In Israel Stan served in the country’s first fight­er squadron, per­formed high lev­el liai­son work under an assumed name, and then served in a bomber squadron before dis­ap­pear­ing in a dra­mat­ic bomb­ing raid.

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