
7 2023

Beckerman Cultural Arts author Arielle Silverman "Just Human"

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Arielle is a dis­abled activist and a social sci­en­tist who is pas­sion­ate about improv­ing pub­lic under­stand­ings of life with dis­abil­i­ties. She has spent fif­teen years con­duct­ing research on the social psy­chol­o­gy of dis­abil­i­ty. She has spent a life­time learn­ing and teach­ing with fel­low mem­bers of the dis­abil­i­ty community.

Born without sight, Dr. Arielle Silverman has never missed the visual. Being blind never bothered her much but, as she grew, she discovered others saw her blindness very differently. Many people saw her as either helpless or inspirational, but rarely did they see her as just human, with the same capacities and desires as her peers.

Arielle explores ways to foster respect and inclusion, not only for blind people like her, but for all whose bodies or minds differ from the norm. In Just Human, she reflects on her formative years and presents unique anecdotes from her life that carry teachable moments for all of us. She recalls the feel of her mother’s embrace and the smell of her grandparents’ brisket. Arielle uses these memories to paint pictures from her mind’s eye: a vision of a world where we can radically accept ourselves and our fellow humans, while at the same time work to change systems of inequality.



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