
23 2023

Beckerman Cultural Arts author David DeJong: Nazi Billionaires

7:00PM - 8:00PM  


Contact Susan Skalka
203-387-2424. x255

Suc­ces­sion meets the Third Reich in Nazi Bil­lion­aires. David de Jong reveals the true sto­ry of how Germany’s wealth­i­est busi­ness dynas­ties amassed untold mon­ey and pow­er by abet­ting the atroc­i­ties of the Third Reich – and how Amer­i­ca allowed them to get away with it. The heirs of the Nazi bil­lion­aires have only grown wealth­i­er in the gen­er­a­tions since, while their reck­on­ing with this dark past remains incom­plete at best. Nazi Bil­lion­aires shows how Ger­man tycoons seized Jew­ish busi­ness­es, pro­cured slave labor­ers, and ramped up weapons pro­duc­tion to equip Hitler’s army as Europe burned around them. De Jong also expos­es how America’s polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy enabled these bil­lion­aires to get away with their crimes, cov­er­ing up a blood­stain that defiles the Ger­man and glob­al economies to this day.

This program is pre-recorded by the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism.

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