
23 2023

Beckerman Cultural Arts program author Wayne Hoffman: "The End of Her"

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Part mem­oir and part mys­tery is how to best describe Wayne Hoffman’s new book, The End of Her: Rac­ing Against Alzheimer’s to Solve a Mur­der. Uti­liz­ing his skills as both a jour­nal­ist and a nov­el­ist, Hoff­man recounts his quest to solve the mur­der of his great-grand­moth­er, killed in her sleep in Win­nipeg in 1913, and to share his find­ings with his moth­er before her mind is rav­aged by Alzheimer’s Dis­ease. In the process, the author’s search for truth explores issues of Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, the immi­grant expe­ri­ence, famil­ial oblig­a­tion, love, and loss.

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