
24 2023

BEKI Artist Talk by Anna Broell Bresnick

12:45PM - 2:00PM  

Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel (BEKI) 85 Harrison Street
New Haven, CT 06515-1724
203-389-2108 office@beki.org

Contact Peggy Hackett

Anna Broell Bresnick, one of New Haven’s most influential artists, is exhibiting a show entitled Four Stops Along an Artistic Path at BEKI. The exhibition, which will run through Sept. 1, features selections from her decades-long career and reflects the different stages in her work, beginning with a focus on sculptures, followed by a transition to drawing.

Born in Hamburg, Germany, Bresnick immigrated to Connecticut as a teen. For four years, she was director/curator of the John Slade Ely House, received two Artist in Residence Grants from the International Festival for the Arts in New Haven, and curated many independent exhibitions. A passionate teacher, she served for 29 years as the Educational Center for the Arts (ECA) Visual Arts Department Chair.

This conversation with the artist will follow Shabbat morning services and Kiddush lunch. Sabbath rules will be observed.



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