
20 2022

Cultural Arts Series: "Meet­ing Eli­jah: True tales of Eliyahu Hanavi"


Contact Susan Skalka

$ Cost $ 5.00

Register in advance. 

For mil­len­nia, the Jew­ish peo­ple have been telling sto­ries of Eli­jah the Prophet, as the bear­er of hope, good tid­ings, and Divine inter­ven­tion in moments of cri­sis. Meet­ing Eli­jah is a col­lec­tion of true sto­ries of con­tem­po­rary meet­ings with Eli­jah. In a moment of need, a stranger appears, offers help, and then dis­ap­pears, some­times as if by mag­ic. These sto­ries, heard direct­ly from the peo­ple involved, or from a close fam­i­ly or rel­a­tive, point to the liv­ing pres­ence of Eli­jah among us, or to a spark” of Eli­jah that moves in and through ordi­nary peo­ple, lead­ing them to do remark­able things. The sto­ries are sur­pris­ing, inex­plic­a­ble, and inspir­ing. They remind us that the world is a mys­te­ri­ous place and that God’s deliv­er­ance can occur in the blink of an eye.

Purchase the book.


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