
26 2023

For These Things Do I Weep: Tisha B'av in a Time of Climate Change

7:30PM - 10:00PM  

BEKI 85 Harrison St.
New Haven, CT 06515

Contact Joshua Pernick

Tisha B'Av recalls a moment of existential crisis in Jewish history when our people were exiled, our home was destroyed, and the existence of future generations was uncertain. Every year, Tisha B'Av reminds us that we never fully let go of our deepest dislocations. But it also carries a radical message: that when we are able to visit with our fear and our grief, it opens us up into greater empathy, curiosity, and joy.

Now, we modern Jews face another existential crisis - climate disruption. Whether we've lived through wildfires and flooding, or seen them on the news, we know that climate change is coming, and indeed, it is already here. What can Tisha B'Av teach us about this moment? Join us to experience and explore the deep wisdom of Tisha B'Av to meet, live through, and grow from the climate crisis

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, BEKI

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