
22 2024

"Antisemitism in a Post October 7th World" with Rabbi Diana Fersko

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Yale University 1 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT


Contact Arthur Seltzer

“We Need to Talk About Antisemitism” explores why we are reluctant to discuss antisemitism, discusses the difficult conversations she has had with members of her congregation, and empowers us with the tools to fight against it.

Rabbi Diana Fersko is the senior rabbi at The Village Temple in Manhattan. She previously served as the Associate Rabbi at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue. Rabbi Fersko was a prior National Vice President of the Women’s Rabbinic Network and is a member of the New York Board of Rabbis. She received her rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where she also earned a master’s degree in Hebrew literature. She is speaking nationally about her book and antisemitism.

This lecture is part of an Antisemitism Education Initiative at Yale University, supported by a grant from the Academic Engagement Network. It is co-sponsored by The Yale Forum of Jewish Faculty and Friends (YFJF&F).

The first 150 attendees will receive a copy of Rabbi Fersko’s book.

Sponsor: Yale Forum of Jewish Faculty and Friends

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