Israel Afterschool

When: Every other Monday from 4:45-5:45 PM, beginning October 2, 2023
Location: Norman Hurwitz Terrace Room, Beckerman Lender Jewish Community Building, 360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge
Free to attend (advance registration requested)
For children 12 and under!

Join us every other Monday for a Hebrew-language immersive experience for kids. We will be living out the Jewish calendar through timely Hebrew books and activities. This program is open to all, though the primary language of conversation and instruction is Hebrew.

Thank you to our partnerships and sponsors, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, JCC of Greater New Haven, CJLL, JCRC, PJ Library, Ezra Academy, and ScienceAbroad

Thank You to our Partnerships and Sponsors

Questions? Contact Doron Wolf, Coordinator of Israel Afterschool at