PJ CARES: Love in a Box


Join PJ Library families in helping give back to the community through four hands-on volunteer projects! 


All ages are welcome. Join us as we gather and pack donations for Israeli soldiers. Children will help create and decorate cards and letters.


Kosher snacks and materials for making cards will be provided.


Donations can be brought to either the JCC of Greater New Haven or Ezra Academy leading up the event.


This event is in collaboration with a grassroots effort launched by local families and made possible by a generous grant of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven.


Date: Sunday, October 15

Time: 2 - 4 PM

Location:  Available upon registration

Price: Free


If you cannot participate in person but still want to help, financial donations can be made here and 100% will go to Israel. 


These links can be used to write letters to the troops: 

Thank Israeli Soldiers

Israel Forever


  • Please Donate to New Haven Stands with Israel Fund

    The Greater New Haven Jewish Federation has established a "New Haven Stands With Israel" Fund following unprovoked, multi-front attacks on Israel during Shabbat and the Sukkot/Simchat Torah holiday. Federation is in close contact with our overseas partners and we anticipate an unprecedented need for cash to assist victims of terror and their families.

Thank you to our community partners and sponsors for making this event possible:

Questions? Please contact Kayla Bisbee, Director of Jewish Family Engagement, at (203) 387-2424 x300 or kbisbee@jewishnewhaven.org.