Announcing our new Jewel society

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the JEWEL Society for moms of PJ Library kids in Greater New Haven!

Formed in 2023 to encourage support for the activities of PJ Library and engage a new generation of Jewish leaders, “JEWEL” is an acronym for “JEwish Women Emerging Leaders,” selected by the Society's founders to embody the philanthropic endeavor of our valued members who are taking personal responsibility for the growth and continuity of a vibrant Jewish identity in our community.

With gifts to PJ Library, JEWEL Society members help us provide Jewish programming for the families of the more than 800 children from birth to eight years old currently enrolled in PJ Library (another 100+ of children ages 9-12 are member of PJ Our Way --, enriching their lives with Jewish books, local family programming and outreach. 

and outreach. To become a member of the JEWEL Society, the mothers of children enrolled in PJ Library and PJ Our Way give a gift of $118 to PJ Library locally. In recognition of their donation, they receive a special bracelet and invitations to exclusive JEWEL Society social events. Members then receive a commemorative charm for each year of continued support.

“I love the idea of engaging a diverse group of women in philanthropic endeavors, and encouraging them to support and strengthen Jewish life through outreach events and community education programs, such as PJ Library,” says JEWEL Society Chair Stacy Hutton.

“My background in Women’s Studies, having worked for both the Women’s Bureau and the Women’s Fund of Long Island (formerly the Long Island Fund For Women & Girls), along with my active participation within the Jewish community highlight two of my passions. I am so excited to bring Jewel Society to the Jewish women of PJ Library in Greater New Haven and I cannot wait to see it come to life!”

Learn more and become a founding member by visiting








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