Tu B'Shevat Tea with the JEWEL Society

Calling all moms of PJ Library kiddos! Members and potential new members are invited to join us for a JEWEL Society Tu B'Shevat Tea. This will be your opportunity to connect with each other, learn about and help shape the goals and mission of this new initiative that supports PJ Library in Greater New Haven. Enjoy tea, coffee, lite bites and great conversation. This event is intended for moms raising Jewish kids under the age of 12.


Tu B’Shevat is considered the New Year of the Trees, when almond trees begin to bloom in Israel. It is customary to eat from shiv’at ha’minim (seven species endemic to the Land of Israel): wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, dates. Click here to learn more about the holiday.


Date: Sunday, January 21

Time: 1 - 3 PM

Price:  $5 Jewel Society Members; $10 Prospective members

Location: Home-hosted in East Haven, address shared upon registration


Please register by Thursday, January 18.


Ready to join the JEWEL Society as a founding member? Click here.

Already joined and and ready to RSVP to the event? You are in the right place!


This program is made possible through JCC Association of North America in partnership with Israel’s Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism.


  • JEWEL Society Bracelet

  • JEWEL Society Chair, Stacy Hutton