Our Israel Emergency Fund is directing additional resources for this critical moment. Here are the needs:

Basic Needs

Food and financial assistance for impacted families, the elderly, and the homebound.

Evacuation, Housing, Respite, and Support for Frontline Communities

Support for communities under fire and for new olim living in absorption centers through evacuations, temporary housing, respite trips, children’s activities, and increased security.

Fund for Victims of Terror

Provides immediate cash grants to families and individuals who have been impacted by acts of terror and violence, for post-trauma care, etc.

Trauma Relief and Psychosocial Care

Support widescale trauma relief and psychosocial support with expanded capabilities through telephone hotlines; providing direct care to first responders, Lone Soldiers, the injured, and families whose relatives were murdered, injured, or abducted; training and support for caregivers and responders including hospital emergency teams and municipal teams

Emergency Medical Services and Healthcare

Medical supplies and equipment for first responders and hospitals in close proximity to the front line.

Special Populations

Targeted assistance to vulnerable populations and their caregivers, including the elderly, young children, people living with disabilities, and marginalized populations, such as the Ultra-Orthodox and Bedouin communities.

Local Efforts and Volunteers

Enhance capacity and provide operational support to evacuees, special populations, frontline communities, and those responding to the crisis.

Israel needs you.

Please give generously.